Wednesday, October 13, 2010

OMG- The bill has arrived!!

For anyone interested in how much something like a liver transplant costs, the bill came today, and thankfully Robbi is not responsible for anything other than some co-pays for medication that Hopkins has filled for her after she was discharged.
I have rounded the amounts down. (All amounts in thousands of dollars have been listed as "K")

Total for 9/16/10 to 10/1/10: $176,412.68

General Breakdown:

$21k room and board
$13k OR Services (both surgeries)
$5k med surg supplies
$11k Lab services
$10k Blood services (all those blood/ plasma transfusions she got)
$3k anesthesia (surgeries plus the PCA)
$1k Respiratory services (the things related to ventilator, etc)
$3532.00 PT
$545.00 OT
$278.00 EKG
$11k ICU (3 days)
**$55k Organ Acquisition services**
(this is what they charge for everything related to getting the organ from the donor and to Robbi)


I thought it would be much more. Mine was insane, something like 1.3 million for 5 mos of hospitalization, plus plus was several pages long IIRC. I have it somewhere in my papers. Mind bending.

Robbi's Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would love to know how Robbi's recovery is going. Hope she is doing well.